Workshops & Training: Empowering Your EdTech Business

With over two decades of experience, we specialise in guiding businesses through the dynamic landscape of education technology, ensuring they thrive in this competitive arena. Our Workshops & Training sessions are designed to challenge your thinking and provide a fresh perspective on the key areas essential for success in the edtech sector.

Our Bespoke Workshops Cover:

  • Thought Leadership: Stay ahead with insights on the latest edtech trends.
  • Product Management: Develop and manage top-quality educational products.
  • Solution Design: Create impactful and innovative education solutions.
  • Customer Experience: Enhance customer experience for long-term relationships.
  • Proposition Development: Craft compelling value propositions.
  • Market Strategy: In-depth analysis and strategic planning to drive growth.
  • Client Acquisition: Identify and acquire new clients through targeted strategies.


Creating Successful Products

In addition to bespoke workshops, our Product Management training covers the entire lifecycle of a product, from initial concept through product launch to ongoing enhancement and eventual product withdrawal. Our consultancy addresses the key issues a product manager faces at each stage and provides the tools and methodologies needed to drive product success throughout. Areas of expertise include:

  • The Role of Product Management: Understanding responsibilities and impact.
  • Creating and Selecting the Right Concept: From ideation to validation.
  • Producing a Successful Business Case: Considering product, market, finance, and pricing.
  • Competitive Analysis: Identifying and leveraging your competitive edge.
  • Risk Management: Assessing and mitigating potential risks.
  • Success Measurements: Defining and tracking key performance indicators.
  • Market Requirements: Aligning product features with market needs.
  • Product Management Phases: Navigating build, launch, in-life, and retirement stages.
  • Effective Communications: Ensuring clarity and alignment across teams.
  • Product Management Leadership: Leading with vision and strategy.

We collaborate with the excellent team at Tarigo Product Management to devise and deliver training tailored to your product managers’ needs. For an initial chat and to explore options, contact Nick at or call +44 (0)7854 584325.


Why Choose Our Workshops & Training?

  • Customised Content: Tailored to meet your specific challenges and goals.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry veterans with over 45 years of experience between Sarah and Nick
  • Practical Tools and Methodologies: Gain actionable insights and techniques.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Engage in interactive sessions designed to foster collaboration and innovation.

Empower your team with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in the edtech sector. Let’s work together to drive your business forward.


Price: Workshops start at £1,645+VAT

For more information and to schedule a session, please contact us at or call us on +44 (0)7854 584325.