Selling is easy, you’re just doing it wrong

Selling is easy, you’re just doing it wrong.

Well, perhaps that’s not entirely the case, but there are definitely a few painful truths you need to get your head around when it comes to selling. If you’re ignoring these, you’re doing it wrong.

Painful truth #1: When your customer tells you their reason for not buying, it’s not a good idea to believe it.

It’s up to you to find out the REAL reason and address it — don’t expect people to lay themselves bare

Painful truth #2: Nothing is “too expensive”.

It’s more likely your potential customer doesn’t see your thing as having the value you think it does. You need to work on your value proposition.

Painful truth #3: “I’ll think about it” means ‘No’. As does “Send me a proposal”.

You need to get to the reasons behind the decision process to be able to influence that sale. Walking away with a promise of either of the above puts it out of your hands completely.

There are tons and tons more, these are the just the ones I’ve discussed this week with colleagues and clients.

Would be interested in your views too selling peeps 🙂

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