Education and industry Thought Leader Q&As in 2021 so far – thank you for your insight!

Round up of all fireside chats - spring summer 2021

We’re almost the end of term in what has been another weird year. We spent the first 3 months in lockdown so lost all face-to-face contact again (the fact we didn’t start the year by attending the Bett show was a novelty in itself!) so we’ve been continuing to catch up with people by video and share the recordings with you all – I really appreciate your positive responses!

As humans we all want to deal with other humans; it’s so important to have a real face and a real person behind your solutions. It’s been great to have so many people involved in our ‘fireside chats’ to talk education, management and innovation.

So thank you Martin Hall and Stephen Bilboe for giving us an insight into the MIS market which has continued to see big changes in 2021.

Thanks to Will Jordan and Luke Pargeter for talking to us about the things you do alongside the MIS solutions and the ways in which you help schools.

The insight Rowena Hackwood and Jeff Marshall provided into how MATs and academies work has been invaluable, both for edtech suppliers and education professionals alike, so thank you for this.

And finally thank you Phil Neal, Mark House, Andre Skepple and Priya Lakhani for your views and ideas on what might happen next and the big trends in edtech.

Sarah and I have thoroughly enjoyed making the series, and already have some great sessions ready to go in the new term with industry thought leaders Duncan Baldwin, Keren Wild and Tony Lockwood – watch this space!


In case you missed it, here’s a round-up of all our thought leader Q&A sessions from 2020.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and get notified when new videos go live

EP. 015 – Edtech Thought Leader Q&A: Priya Lakhani OBE, Founder CEO at CENTURY Tech

Next in our series of edtech thought leaders is this chat with barrister and entrepreneur, Priya Lakhani.

Priya founded CENTURY Tech in 2013 after being struck by underachievement rates in schools. The company has combined the latest research in learning science, artificial intelligence and neuroscience to ensure CENTURY is underpinned by evidence-based scientific and pedagogical techniques.  In this Q&A session we discuss:

  • Approaches to personalisation
  • The importance of data and AI in education
  • The driving force behind CENTURY Tech, and how it benefits schools and learners
  • Why being curious drives innovation
  • How edtech companies and educationalists can work together to practically achieve learning goals


We’ve split the interview into three parts to make it easier to digest. Enjoy!