How do you know when it’s time to sell your business?

How do you know when it’s time to sell your business? Try asking yourself these questions:


1. Do my circumstances allow for the level of financial investment this company needs to keep it going?


2. Is my business model really viable? If not, is it going to be in the future and will I like it?


3. Do I have an amazing team of high performers? Am I willing and can I afford to recruit one?


4. What do I have more of: passion or exhaustion?


5. Will a sale solve my problems, and will someone buy us?


6. What happens if I don’t sell? What are my other options?



Have an honest conversation with yourself and your team. At the end of the day, selling your business is one of the most exciting parts of being a business owner – and it always opens the door for new opportunities.




Matching the right buyer with the right business is a painstaking process. In conjunction with CJK Associates, we support businesses looking to invest in or potentially acquire in the Edtech sector and can work with you throughout the whole process, from introduction through due diligence, to closure and transformation.

For businesses looking for VCs, investors or other methods of funding, we will get you pitch-ready and connect you to potential investors in the Edtech industry. We act as mentors throughout the process and will advise on how to plan growth strategy and allocate resources.

Get in touch to find out more.

EP. 029 – Business Thought Leader Q&A: Jonathan Coyles, Director at EO Consulting

Our first fireside chat of 2022 is with business thought leader Jonathan Coyles, Director at EO Consulting.

Recorded towards the end of last year, we’ve been keen to speak with Jonathan as his company helps schools, academies and Trusts deal with something that is becoming more and more pressing each year: how do they become more energy-efficient, hit carbon targets, and save money at the same time?

EO Consulting has created a standard for collecting condition, energy and compliance data so that user-friendly business intelligence dashboards can be created that enable reporting and benchmarking to be done within and across MATs and allow data to be analysed by asset, element and priority to aid strategic estate investment planning. They count several of the larger Multi-Academy Trusts among their clients.

It’s a great fireside chat, and Jonathan provides insight into:

  • His journey through the world of education services from working with PFI contracts to being involved in one of the earliest academies (Grace Academy), project managing IT and ultimately becoming the Operations Director.
  • The creation of EO Consultancy and their goal of helping organisations become more efficient and more effective through the clever use of dashboards and analysis
  • Why spending lots of time understanding the needs of MATs was crucial to them developing the service they offer today: what they do makes a difference.
  • How dashboards and data are not the answer to everything but should provide the insight to help schools, academies and MATs save money.
  • Hitting carbon targets early, and how this is completely possible if you’re armed with the right information.
  • The project management and additional help Barker Associates provide once a plan has been identified.
  • What drives EO Consulting as a business?
  • Where energy is wasted: 40% of energy is spent when there is no one in the school building!
  • The importance of the learning environment, and how being aware of how and when energy and resources are being used plays a part in that.
  • Getting the whole education estate into a condition that’s conducive to learning, reduces the carbon footprint, and makes it more efficient and effective as a result.
  • What Jonathan would like to see from the government in the coming years to support schools, academies and MATs, and the effect of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS)
  • The top five quick wins schools can put in place right now to become more energy-efficient and save money.


We’ve split the interview into three shorter parts for you to watch and listen to – enjoy!






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P.S. We’re aware that some of the audio is a bit rough in places so we’re working on getting a transcript created to accompany this Q&A – we’ll add once completed 🙂