How to hit the ground running in 2023

If you’re lucky, you would have had the Christmas period off, and today will be your first day back. For the vast majority of us, it’s time to crack on with January and I for one am looking forward to the New Year despite the weather/new exercise regime/lack of daylight that goes with it.

I’ve read a lot of articles and blogs recently about January blues and how to overcome them, usually by easing yourself into it slowly. As someone who’s growing a business I’m not entirely sure that works for everyone so, having given it some thought, my three top tips to help you hit the ground running are:


1. Talk to people

You might be feeling a bit bloated and bleary-eyed after Christmas and New Year and may not be feeling that sociable. However, the sooner you start engaging with people (colleagues, customers and suppliers) the sooner you’ll start to get your mojo back and remember what your business is all about.


2. Do one good thing well on your first day back.

You could easily spend your first day or even the first few days back in the office shuffling emails around and doing admin. However, I find that you feel much better if you find a task that needs doing which will genuinely help your business develop and then do it well. You could pick up the phone to those potential customers you met at that event last year to see how they’re doing. You could write that blog about the product you’re due to release to give your customers something to look forward to.

Whatever it is, make sure it has a tangible business outcome as it’s bound to make you feel better.


3. Book your next break

It might not be realistic to have that dream holiday to the Maldives booked, but you should definitely have a look at your calendar and your workload and plan for your next break from work. Just knowing that you have a week off during the February half term will give you something to look forward to helping you get over the January blues.

And it’s only 6 and a bit weeks away anyway. Blimey — better get cracking!


Here’s to a successful 2023 🙂

Education and Industry thought leader Q&As – thank you for your insight

We’ve been privileged to speak with even more edtech and industry thought leaders throughout 2022 as part of our #FinnemoreFireside chats, and the insight they provide us and our community is invaluable.


So thank you Jonathan Coyles of EO Consulting for talking to us about how Trusts can become more energy-efficient, hit carbon targets, and save money at the same time.


Thanks to Mike Donoghue for giving us an insight into how MATs work and what is important to directors, leaders, governors, staff and learners.


It’s great to speak with entrepreneurs from across the edtech industry so thank you Lawrence Royston for getting involved and giving us your perspective.


Thank you to Stephen Bilboe for talking to us about changes across the international and independent education sector, and what the future might hold in terms of MIS.


Our chat with marketing and PR guru Cath Lane is essential listening for everyone who owns or leads an edtech business, thanks for the great advice.


Thank you to Andy Kent for talking to us about his focus on innovation and culture to help all levels of the education sector.


We welcomed Phil Neal back for a follow-up chat to discuss changes in the world of school management systems.


We spoke with Martin Baker of The Safeguarding Company about the lessons that can be learnt from the Child Q case.


And finally, we were delighted to speak with Matt Woodruff, Vice President of Analytics and AI at Community Brands UK, for an insightful conversation about data and machine learning.


We’ve thoroughly enjoyed making the series and already have some great sessions ready to go in the new year including a discussion on school support with Catherine Tallis, Director Of Business Services at Herts for Learning Ltd – watch this space!



Have a great Christmas break, looking forward to sharing more with you all in 2023! 🎄


Best wishes from Sarah & Nick




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