Leveraging Customer Testimonials: Your Secret Weapon in Edtech

Customer testimonials are one of THE biggest marketing tools you can have in your kitbag when it comes to selling in the education sector as peer-to-peer advocacy is everything.


Here’s why you should ask for them and share them:

1. They build trust.

Testimonials from satisfied customers serve as social proof, building trust and credibility in your brand. Potential customers are more likely to trust the experiences of their peers.


2. They help you win new business.

Positive testimonials showcase your product’s value proposition and demonstrate real-world benefits. They can be powerful tools in persuading potential customers to choose your EdTech solution over competitors.


3. They help you retain customers.

Happy customers are your best advocates. Sharing their positive experiences not only reinforces their loyalty but also encourages retention by highlighting the value your platform delivers.

If you don’t already, start gathering and sharing customer testimonials to increase brand presence and drive growth.


It’s #testimonialtuesday today so why not share one in the comments straight away! 👇

How to Write Effective Emails and Messages for EdTech: A Simple Four-Step Guide

When you’re reaching out to people in the edtech field, it’s crucial to get your message right. Here’s a straightforward four-step plan to help you write emails and messages that hit the mark:


1. Understand and acknowledge their problems

Start by showing that you get what they’re going through and acknowledge the challenges they face in education or technology. This helps build trust and shows you’re genuinely interested in helping them.


2. Explain how you can help

Next, explain how your Edtech solution can solve their problems. Keep it simple, focus on the benefits, and avoid using technical language that might confuse them. Be clear about how your solution can make their lives easier.


3. Share proof of success

Back up your claims with real evidence. Share stories or data that show how your solution has helped others like them. This helps build credibility and makes your message more convincing.


4. Ask them to take action

Finally, tell them what you want them to do next. Whether it’s trying out your product or scheduling a demo, make it easy for them to take the next step. Be direct and clear about what you’re asking for.


The key is to keep it short, don’t over-explain, and make it about them and not you!