Are you friction-free? What you can do to make it easier for your customers

Why are some businesses more successful than others?

Is it because they provide a better solution technically?

Is it because they were first to market?

Or is it just luck?

You could say all these statements are true, however, more often than not it is the way you look at a solution and how easy it is for a potential customer to purchase, on board, reduce their pain, and continue to enjoy the experience of working with your solution and business. It’s all about reducing friction.

We work and continue to work with several businesses across the edtech world and, in the main, the majority of companies that are not growing as quickly as they would like comes down to how hard are they making it for customers to either buy in the first place or make it hard for them to choose to stay, its all in your power to solve!

Look at your Customer Journey, look at every step, and understand when you are making it hard for the customer/user.

Ask yourself:

  • Have you made it easy for the potential customer to find you and know what you stand for? Where do they receive their information?
  • Have you made it easy for them to purchase? Do they know you are going to take away a problem better than your competition?
  • Have you made it easy for them to onboard? Through little to no manual or human interaction.
  • Have you made it easy for them to get to the value? This may include human intervention to understand best practices, however, if you can make it light touch this is great for the business and your customer.
  • Do you have processes of ensuring that the customer continues to have a great experience of the solution and the business? To make the decision to be loyal easy.


If you say yes to all these questions, ask one more! Are you looking at this from your perspective or the customer’s? If you answer from yours, as we know best, you are not reducing Friction!