The Pitfalls of Perfectionism in EdTech: How to avoid procrastination and release successful software products

The pursuit of perfection is a double-edged sword. Perfectionism is just procrastination in disguise – and procrastination will kill a product release stone dead.

You see this happen all the time in software, and unfortunately, Edtech is no exception. Companies aim to only release a 100% perfect product because they fall into one of these traps:


1. They honestly believe they can create an amazing solution through ‘thinking things up’ in their office/bedroom/ivory tower. What they need to do is get their solution out into the real world to see if it meets the customers’ needs.


2.  They’re scared of messing up so spend a lot of time strategizing to try and ensure they don’t fail at all.


The truth is that perfectionism is bad for business. Waiting endlessly for the perfect solution not only hinders progress but also opens the door for competitors to gain an edge.


The Pitfall of Perfection: Businesses risk losing valuable time that could be spent gaining insights and refining their products by only striving for perfection. While it’s natural to want to deliver excellence, the reality is that waiting for perfection allows competitors to swoop in, gather feedback, make improvements, and potentially dominate the market.


The MVP Advantage: Enter the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Instead of aiming for perfection behind closed doors, releasing an MVP allows you to bring your solution to market quickly. This initial version may not be flawless, but it opens the channels for crucial customer feedback.


Listening to Your Customers: The beauty of the MVP approach lies in its inherent openness to customer input. Launching a basic version of your product invites users to share their experiences, preferences, and suggestions. Your customers become invaluable collaborators, guiding the iterative process and steering your product towards perfection based on real-world needs.


Competitive Edge Through Iteration: While perfectionism breeds stagnation, embracing an iterative approach propels your business forward. By consistently releasing improved versions based on customer feedback, you stay ahead of the competition. Your responsiveness to user needs positions you as a dynamic force in the market, ready to adapt and deliver what customers truly want.


Embrace imperfection, release your MVP, and let your customers be the architects of perfection!

Don’t let perfectionism be the sneaky saboteur of your new product release

Don’t let perfectionism be the sneaky saboteur of your new product release


In my work with companies selling to the education sector, I’ve witnessed this unfortunate scenario far too often. They fall into the trap of aiming for a 100% flawless product, and it ends up holding them back.


Here are the two common traps they find themselves in:


1. The “I’ll Think It All Up” Trap

Some folks genuinely believe they can conjure up the ultimate solution by brainstorming in their cosy office or bedroom (their ivory tower). But here’s the truth – you’ve got to get your solution out into the real world! Put it to the test and see if it genuinely meets your customers’ needs.


2. The “Fear of Failure” Trap

Ah, the fear of messing up. It’s a powerful force that can keep you strategizing for ages, trying to ensure failure is nowhere in sight. But the only way to create something truly amazing is by putting it in front of your customers. Embrace their feedback, learn from it, and let it shape your masterpiece.


All this perfectionism isn’t good for business. Waiting endlessly for the “perfect” solution only gives your competitors an opportunity to gather feedback, make improvements, and snatch up your market share.


All you need is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to bring to the market and an open mind. Your customers are the real experts here. They’ll give you the precise insights you need to craft that perfect solution.


So, embrace imperfection, launch with confidence, and let your customers guide you to greatness! And don’t let perfectionism be the sneaky saboteur of your new product release!

Perfectionism is just Procrastination in disguise

Perfectionism is just Procrastination in disguise . . . and Procrastination will kill a product release stone dead.

You see this happen all the time in software, and unfortunately Edtech is no exception!   Companies aim to only release a 100% perfect product because they fall into one of these traps:

1. They honestly believe they can create an amazing solution through ‘thinking things up’ in their office/bedroom/ivory tower.

What they really need to do is get their solution out into the real world to see if it really meets the customers’ needs.

2.  They’re scared of messing up so spend a lot of time strategizing to try and ensure they don’t fail at all.

The truth is the only way anyone can create an amazing solution is by putting it in front of your customers, getting feedback and learning from it.

The problem is that all this Perfectionism is bad for business.  Waiting and waiting to release what you believe to be the perfect solution simply allows your competitors to gain feedback, make improvements and win your market.  All you need is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to take to market and an open mind – the customers will tell you exactly what you need to do to create a perfect solution!

Photo by Braydon Anderson on Unsplash