EP. 045 – Edtech Thought Leader Q&A: Ben McGowan, Head of IT and Digital, Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust and Simon Denham, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Specialist

Our next #FinnemoreFireside is with Ben McGowan, Head of IT and Digital at Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust and Simon Denham, a Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Specialist they worked with on their recent procurement of an MIS for the Trust.


I’ve known Ben for many years from his time at Scomis, and I was lucky enough to work with him at Capita for a short period. A couple of years ago he took up his current role leading the IT and digital strategy at Ted Wragg Trust so when the Trust was looking at MIS options back in 2022, I was delighted to be asked to give my thoughts on “the art of the possible” when it comes to planning for the future needs of the Trust and what MIS can help you achieve. It was there I met Simon Denham as Ted Wragg MAT had engaged him to advise on the procurement process to ensure it was thorough, compliant, and achieved the very best for the Trust and academies.


This fireside chat aims to share insights on procurement in the education sector, particularly regarding Management Information Systems (MIS), so if MIS procurement is your thing, or is on the horizon for your school(s), Trust or academies, then this conversation is for you.


In it, we discuss, amongst other things:

  • The triggers for procurement include changes in terms and conditions by incumbents exceeding financial thresholds
  • Ted Wragg MAT’s initial thinking behind engaging with specialists, and Simon’s thoughts on managing procurements in the education sector and starting position.
  • How important it was to collaborate and gain stakeholder buy-in, with an emphasis on consulting key stakeholders in schools.
  • Defining a transparent and fair procurement process including clear specification and evaluation criteria followed by independent scoring and detailed feedback to suppliers.
  • Lessons from recent MIS procurement pitfalls, including impermissible discounts and breaches of procurement laws.
  • The key risks and potential pitfalls identified, strategies to mitigate against them, and all additional considerations during the procurement process.
  • The difference between price point and value for money in tenders, and the need to prioritise value over price.
  • An assessment of the initial work’s impact on implementation and adoption, reflections on their education procurement experience, and potential changes for the future.
  • Ben and Simon’s thoughts on a preferred approach for future procurement exercises, and the best ways to support schools and authorities in navigating procurement processes effectively


Hope you find it useful, feel free to ask any questions in the comments.







Working with MIS

We’ve been lucky enough to have worked with most of the maintained MIS suppliers including SIMS (then owned by Capita), Arbor, IRIS Ed:gen, Pupil Asset, and, at the time of writing, working with Bromcom as they grow their user base across the UK.

We’ve recorded tons more #FinnemoreFireside chats on the topic of MIS with MATs, school leaders, support teams, suppliers and independent consultants which you can find here or subscribe to our You Tube channel for regular updates.

Other brilliant free, independent resources we’d recommend you take a look at include WhichMIS and BringMoreData. We also run a LinkedIn group ‘The Future of MIS’ which seeks to understand the new role of MIS in schools and explore what it will look like in the future – come and join the conversation 🙂

How can schools make savings on technology spend? Four ideas for schools to trim their technology budgets and make every pound count

Across the education sector, the challenge of doing more with less is all too familiar. Every school in the UK is feeling the pinch so, for school leaders tasked with financial responsibility, it’s crucial to find innovative ways to save money without compromising educational quality.


Fortunately, while spending on technology is necessary each year in schools, there are strategies that can help. Here are four ideas for schools to trim their technology budgets and make every pound count.



  1. Refurbished Technology


When it comes to technology, staying current can be costly. However, schools can significantly cut costs without sacrificing quality by embracing and refurbished technology. It’s often at a fraction of the price of brand-new versions and, ensuring they have long warranties, these devices provide a cost-effective solution that stands the test of time. It’s a smart way to keep your technology up to date without breaking the bank.



  1. Strategic Procurement: Partner for Savings


Schools can unlock significant savings by forming partnerships with trusted technology providers. For example, the Scomis school support team has created their own ScoStore which uses a network of partners who are committed to delivering the best value options, ensuring that schools receive the highest quality products at the best prices. Collaborating with these partners can lead to bulk purchase discounts and exclusive offers, driving down technology acquisition costs.



  1. Software Licensing Optimisation: Pay for what you use


Schools often find themselves overpaying for software licenses they don’t fully utilise. Conduct a thorough audit of your software licenses to identify unused or redundant subscriptions. Take a look at all the solutions you do use and evaluate if there is a need for separate licences, or could they be rationalised and a single solution be used for everything instead? By optimising your software usage, you can reduce licensing costs, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently.



  1. Energy efficiency = lower operational costs


Embracing energy-efficient technology not only reduces your school’s environmental footprint but also trims operational expenses. Consider switching to energy-efficient LED lighting, upgrading to ENERGY STAR-rated appliances, and implementing automated heating and cooling systems. These changes can result in substantial savings on your energy bills over time.



In the face of tightening budgets, school leaders must be resourceful in managing technology spending. From refurbished technology and strategic procurement to software optimisation and energy efficiency, these strategies empower schools to reduce costs while focusing on delivering for learners. By adopting approaches such as these, you can ensure that every pound spent is going towards a brighter, more cost-efficient future for your school.

Leading the Way to Net Zero: 5 Green Initiatives for UK Schools

The journey to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 may seem daunting, but every small step counts. In an era where the call for environmental sustainability grows ever more urgent, schools across the UK are stepping up to the plate. Organisations like Let’s Go Zero and Ashden Sustainable Schools are leading the charge, rallying schools to unite in this critical mission.

School leaders and staff play a pivotal role in this journey towards a greener future, but can schools really hit net-zero targets while juggling countless other priorities? As leaders and teachers, your commitment to sustainability sets an inspiring example for the next generation so here are five ways to help you meet net-zero carbon emissions by 2030:


  1. Embrace Reconditioned and Refurbished Technology: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

As schools work diligently towards sustainability, one powerful strategy stands out – reconditioned and refurbished technology. The concept is simple yet impactful: breathe new life into pre-owned tech. Not only does this help reduce electronic waste, but it also significantly cuts down on the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new devices.

The other obvious key advantage is affordability. Reconditioned technology, cleaned up, repaired and tested, often costs a fraction of brand-new counterparts, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious schools. Refurbished technology, rebuilt with the latest parts and upgraded to the latest features, is again a fraction of the financial and environmental cost, but with all the advantages of new technology. Plus, long warranties mean that these devices will stand the test of time, aligning with your long-term sustainability goals.


  1. Go Solar: Powering Education with Renewable Energy

Harnessing the power of the sun is a mighty step towards carbon neutrality. Consider installing solar panels on school rooftops. Solar energy not only reduces your carbon emissions but can also lead to substantial long-term savings on energy bills. Schools can even use these installations as educational tools, teaching students about the importance of renewable energy sources.

Moreover, the UK government offers various incentives and funding options for renewable energy projects in educational institutions. Going solar not only supports sustainability but also frees up financial resources for other green initiatives.


  1. Green Your Commute: Promote Sustainable Transportation

Reducing the carbon footprint extends beyond the school’s walls. Encourage staff, students, and parents to embrace sustainable transportation options. Consider initiatives such as Walking School Buses or Bike to School programs. Implement designated carpool lanes and provide bicycle racks to incentivize eco-friendly commuting.

Not only does this reduce the carbon footprint, but it also promotes physical activity and a sense of community. A greener commute is a win-win for everyone involved.


  1. Waste Not, Want Not: Implement Comprehensive Recycling

Schools generate a considerable amount of waste daily. If you haven’t already, implementing a comprehensive recycling program can divert a significant portion of this waste from landfills. Set up recycling bins throughout the site, ensuring that paper, plastics, and other recyclables are properly sorted and processed.

Consider going a step further by composting organic waste from the cafeteria or school gardens. Engage students in eco-friendly projects, teaching them about the importance of waste reduction and responsible consumption.


  1. Educate and Engage: Cultivate Eco-Consciousness

One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for achieving net-zero carbon targets is education. Foster a culture of eco-consciousness within the school community. Organise workshops, seminars, and sustainability-themed events. Invite environmental experts and activists to inspire and educate both students and staff.

Encourage students to take ownership of sustainability projects, from planting trees to monitoring energy consumption. By instilling a sense of responsibility and awareness, schools can create a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship.


Sustainability isn’t just about meeting targets; it’s about creating a brighter, greener future for all. Dedication to these initiatives not only benefits the environment but also enriches the educational experience for students.


From embracing reconditioned technology to harnessing the power of solar energy, and from promoting sustainable transportation to cultivating eco-consciousness, each initiative brings you one step closer to your net-zero goal.





What’s Next for School Support Teams? Own Your destiny!

There’s been a huge amount of change in the school MIS sector in the last 5 years. The make-up of MIS market share is completely turning on its head, and the landscape continues to move towards one where academisation dominates and the number of maintained schools gets smaller each year.


It can feel like a scary time for a lot of teams; over the years some have ceased to exist as they just weren’t sustainable for their local authorities. Others have grown and gotten stronger, sometimes joining up with neighbouring teams or striking out on their own as separate commercial entities. The school support market continues to be an exciting market with lots of opportunities – something many private equity companies can see as they acquire in this sector.


We’re often asked what’s next for support teams, so in this blog, we’ve outlined what to avoid and what to try and focus on instead.

While it may not be possible to make all these changes immediately, it’s worth having a plan for what the edtech and school management landscape might look like in 3-5 years’ time. What will your value and unique offer be as a team? Will your revenue be dependent on certain suppliers and, if so, what are the potential consequences?  Owning your own destiny is about ensuring your revenue is not tied to suppliers, but instead to all the value your offer outside of product support.

Try not to be too dependent on financial incentives that come from suppliers for signing your schools up to their products.


Being able to achieve revenue from school management suppliers via favourable licence deals, rebates and referral fees has been the traditional model for some time. However, it’s a risky strategy for support teams in the future:


  • They can be pulled very easily by the supplier once you’ve got all your schools on their product – many support teams will likely have experienced something like this. Incentives provide a revenue stream in the short term, but it can easily be threatened.


  • A big part of your uniqueness and value as a Support Team is that you’re independent and trusted, but this standpoint can be challenged on ethical grounds if you suggest one solution above all others based on financial kickbacks/incentives.


  • Being a support partner for solutions can often result in a financial rebate from the supplier (in the case of MIS this is usually around 20% of the annual subscription price for all those with support partner programmes in place) but what happens if this arrangement is pulled in the future? What you offer schools is far more than just product support. You support the processes, not the products, and your SLAs and services can really focus on the additional value you provide over and above user support in a way that supplier SLAs cannot.


So how will you adapt your team and your business to be a truly agnostic and independent partner to your schools? Here are our ideas:


1. Continue to advocate on behalf of your schools and seek the best value for them.


As a support team, you are still your schools’ no. 1 point of contact for most things and will often have a close relationship with them spanning many years (or even decades!). This is so important to schools; these strong relationships are built on trust and there are many ways you can ensure their best interests are at the centre of what you do:


  • Helping coordinate aggregated purchases means you can access discounts for your schools which can be passed back directly to the schools, ensuring they get the best value.


  • Being the provider of support for those solutions means you can offer an enhanced SLA to schools which is much more than just product support; it helps them use the solution as part of their overall SDP which provides them with far better value.


  • Support teams are able to help schools navigate the procurement process which might feel daunting for schools on an individual level. Helping your schools through a well-thought-out procurement process can make a huge difference to them—both financially, by releasing cashable savings, and by maximizing social benefits for your schools and the wider community.



2. Look for more ways to add value, new ways to help your schools and create additional partnerships.


It’s hard to survive as a team if you only offer IT support, even harder if your support is limited solely to MIS. There are tons of technology-enabled systems and services required by schools and only a fraction of these is usually delivered within an MIS (see below):

Original image courtesy of Chris Kirk, CJK Associates



  • Are there other staff-related areas you could support such as HR or payroll? If so, have you considered a partnership with an excellent software solution such as Fusion/SAM People?


  • Are there other operational school management areas you could support such as safety and compliance? Have you considered creating a channel partnership with a supplier such as iAM Compliant to add value for your schools?


  • Could the range of school management-related services be extended if you were to work in partnership with other support teams across the country? We’re seeing more and more teams work together in order to be able to deliver a personalised service to their local schools, but also to the MATs they support which often span the width and breadth of the UK. Teams such as OSMIS and SCOMIS do just this to provide an exceptional level of support to their schools and help them use their MIS to truly improve outcomes.


  • Could you elevate your conversations to truly understand the pain Heads and MAT leaders experience and support their School Development Plan or the MAT strategic plan? This could be through getting the best out of technology, becoming more sustainable, reducing the cost of ownership, automating processes, getting more out of the data – the list goes on.


Support Teams offer so much to schools, academies and Trusts in the way that they help reduce friction for them. You can do everything from uncovering awareness of needs, understanding their portfolio of all solutions and making recommendations and driving usage, to helping the procurement process, supporting transitioning and onboarding, ensuring MATs/schools are getting the greatest value from the solution and supporting schools to hit their climate and net-zero targets.


Owning your own destiny is about ensuring the revenue you generate is in your hands, not the hands of product suppliers. There are tons of brilliant ideas out there which will help make it a possibility; in this blog, we’ve listed just a few but we’re always happy to share best practices so get in touch if you’d like to discuss.


Empowering Schools with Effective Procurement: How do you ensure savings, efficiencies and compliance?

Did you know that schools in England collectively spend a staggering £10+ billion annually on non-staffing costs?

It’s one of the reasons why effective procurement is absolutely critical, but the idea of going to tender for edtech and school management software can feel pretty daunting. However, there’s no reason why it should be complicated and there are actually some brilliant benefits to testing the market and running a formal procurement for the solutions used by your school.



Here are our top three reasons why running a procurement is a good thing:

1. Savings and Efficiency

Going out to procurement means you can benefit from economies of scale which might not be currently available to you with an existing supplier or arrangement. For example, if you’re part of a Trust, engaging with the same supplier as other academies in your MAT but doing it separately isn’t the most efficient approach. By consolidating your spending as a Trust you immediately gain better buying power and secure better deals.

Similarly, aggregating your purchasing decision as a group of schools within an LA means you can also benefit from acting as a group. In many cases, your LA support team will be able to help negotiate a discount for the group of schools while still allowing you all to purchase your own licences (Support Teams are also brilliant at helping schools manage implementations, migrate data and co-ordinate training so we’d recommend asking your local Support team for advice when planning any move or procurement).


It’s also important to remember that efficiency is key. Going out to procurement and then using a Dynamic Purchasing System or Framework offers access to pre-vetted supply chains and can significantly reduce timescales compared to traditional procurement processes.


For software and infrastructure, good options include:


When it comes to school management information systems (MIS), there are more options available, many created by or in conjunction with school support teams. For example:



For devices, especially climate-friendly and budget-friendly options such as reconditioned laptops, etc. ScoStore is a brilliant tool https://portal.getech.co.uk/ScoStore

For more general school purchasing try ESPO https://www.espo.org/ and YPO (Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation) https://www.ypo.co.uk/



2. Compliance

Compliance essentially involves following internal financial rules and statutory requirements when spending public money (and, in the case of MATs, the Academy Trust handbook). Failing to ensure fairness, transparency, and equal treatment of all suppliers—especially if you’re engaging with existing suppliers—can inadvertently lead to legal challenges. We’ve seen legal action taken in the MIS sector (for example, Bromcom recently won its case against ULT re. fair and best practice in education procurement) so really can’t emphasise enough the importance of avoiding such pitfalls. The risks include costs, time burdens, reputational damage, and potential fines and legal action in serious cases.


Compliance involves adhering to the legal framework known as Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR2015) but it shouldn’t be something to fear. You can mitigate these risks by adopting a robust approach to your procurement exercise, and being able to make use of frameworks helps a great deal. Frameworks and DPS provide compliant pathways to procure goods and services so they should always be considered as an option.



3. Improving Outcomes

A procurement exercise is not solely about getting the best price. It’s about understanding your requirements and identifying the best solutions that meet your needs while balancing price, and ultimately delivering greater outcomes for your school or MAT. A well-thought-out procurement process can make a huge difference—both financially, by releasing cashable savings, and by maximizing social benefits for your school, Trust, and the wider community.


When looking at new solutions or replacing an existing legacy system, also ask yourself the following:

  • How does the contract benefit your staff, students, and community through service delivery and by accessing the knowledge and expertise of suppliers?
  • What are you hoping to achieve and what would truly benefit your schools or MAT?
  • Will this add value and make a remarkable impact?
  • How will this partnership support the SIP (School Improvement Plan) or the MAT’s overall strategies? For example sustainability, pupil safeguarding, pupil progress, financial security




While the prospect of engaging in tender processes for edtech and school management software might seem daunting, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. By exploring the market and running a formal procurement, schools can unlock a world of opportunities that lead to significant savings and enhanced compliance.

7 things we learnt at the Bromcom Annual Event for MATs & LAs @ The Shard

Last week we joined MATs, LAs and the Bromcom team for an exciting day of learning, networking, and inspiration at the annual Bromcom Shard Event. There was a great lineup of expert speakers and engaging workshops; here are 7 things we learnt at last week’s event:


  1. There is still a huge appetite from schools to participate in an aggregated MIS purchase, and there were some brilliant stories from LA Support Teams who helped make this happen for their schools.


  1. MAT and school leaders want data that can help them make informed decisions, not just on attendance and academic performance, but on areas such as:
  • Financial performance
  • Operational efficiency
  • Culture
  • Staffing & HR


  1.  Support Teams are increasingly looking to support multiple MIS so they can meet the needs of their schools, irrespective of which MIS they use – they support the process, not the product. It’s a positive step for everyone as the relationship between schools and local support is a close one, it’s something schools usually want to continue.


  1. Using AI alongside MIS data can and will make a difference to schools . . . but it really does need to be handled with care when it comes to users understanding children’s data. It’s an interesting conversation


  1. Academies and MATs have often led the charge in moving to a new MIS as they’ve tended to go to market and look for new cost-effective, innovative cloud solutions shortly after academisation. However, the rate of switching MIS amongst state schools has also accelerated and actually shows signs of increasing if anything! In 2018 77% of state schools used the then-dominant supplier SIMS, this has now fallen to 55% in 2023 (it will be interesting to see what the next census data shows).


  1. A huge priority for MATs when they look to test the MIS market is understanding all the separate products and subscriptions they currently buy in to which they potentially wouldn’t need when they switch MIS. Across a MAT the savings really do stack up and can be used to fund staff or be reinvested in teaching and learning.


  1. Strong professional relationships and great customer support are everything in our sector. It was great to hear so many individuals praised as we heard about the various journeys MATs, LAs and schools had been on switching MIS.


There’s definitely plenty of change going on across the sector and it’s clear that MATs and LAs want the very best solutions for their schools – both in terms of value and outcomes. It will be interesting to see what happens next!


Thanks again for the invite, Nick loved presenting a session and we enjoyed catching up with friends and colleagues 🙂



What’s going on in the MIS sector? The big talking points of 2022 and our predictions for 2023

The MIS sector in England continues to be in a state of flux and there are currently no signs of it settling down. Schools and MATs continue to switch suppliers, businesses and support teams are changing the way they operate, and new partnerships and being formed to enhance the value suppliers offer.


Is this a good thing for schools and MIS users? We certainly hope so, with change comes innovation, but I can see why MIS can feel like a pain in the backside as opposed to an opportunity to improve things for some schools and MATs.


Here are some of the big talking points in 2022 and our predictions for 2023



The challenges around ESS’ move to direct licencing and 3-year contracts continue

When ESS announced to all its schools that they required them to licence with them directly (as opposed to via an LA licence deal) and that all contracts would be for 3-years now as opposed to one, there was a great deal of pushback from schools culminating in a challenge from them and a subsequent investigation by the CMA.


ESS, having offered various incremental ‘break clauses’, is now proposing a ‘New Break Clause Offer’ which will allow some schools to apply to break their contract if they can provide ‘objective evidence of a clear intention to switch’. The application will then be assessed by an independent adjudicator. Whether or not the CMA feel this is fair and workable remains to be seen. At the time of writing, the investigation is still open but the decision is likely to be soon as the last CMA consultation period closed in December 2022.


Our predictions: given just how many schools are affected by the ESS decision to change their terms, it’s likely the CMA would have received many responses during the last consultation period – both from schools and suppliers alike. Is it realistic to ask schools to provide written evidence of conversations – that would have likely happened verbally – in order to be able to apply to move? Is the application process itself so complicated that it puts schools off and they simply stick with what they’ve got? All questions the CMA will be considering, but we can see this rumbling on into 2023.

(**UPDATE** on 10th Jan 2023, the CMA published its decision to accept commitments from ESS that enable certain schools (meaning those which had considered switching providers but concluded they did not have sufficient time to do so) to apply to an independent adjudicator for a 12-month break clause. If granted, the clause will allow them to exit their current three-year contract with ESS and choose an alternative provider, should they so wish. More details on our blog here, schools have until 10th Feb 2023 to make their application.)



The rate of churn in the market continues at an even higher rate than expected

The most recent census figures are out and show that, over the past year, 2,734 schools have moved away from SIMS to alternate MIS suppliers. It means they’ve lost 18% of their market share in one year, probably higher than anyone expected. It also means that lots of challenger MIS are gaining ground with Arbor and Bromcom being the big winners, and lots of other new and existing MIS suppliers continue to gain ground (I’d recommend checking out Josh Perry’s blog for a detailed breakdown of market share by supplier).


Our predictions: Is this likely to continue into 2023? Everything indicates that it will. The school census figures are a good indicator of what’s going on but they always give a slightly delayed view on the market; they tell us which MIS the school used to submit the census, but they don’t reflect any recent procurements or new contracts schools may have entered into (e.g. the recent West Sussex procurement).  In the face of an enforced 3-year contract, many SIMS schools scrambled to move to an alternate MIS and there are still migrations in progress. We know that more schools, academies and MATs also intend to test the market there but felt that they couldn’t run a fair and thorough procurement within a limited timeframe (we talk about this below).


The acceleration in churn we’re seeing is not just due to contract issues though. There is a real desire for new solutions which offer schools something different, and which better meets the needs of MATs.  Bromcom and Arbor have made significant gains, and the primary-focused cloud MIS (Scholarpack, RM Integris and Horizons/Pupil Asset) have held fairly steady.  There are also new players out there which schools are happily choosing to switch to. IRIS Ed:Gen was the next fastest grower, and Compass Education is already busy getting schools live here in the UK.  ET-AIMS and Go4Schools have new MIS offerings which are sparking interest, and Satchel recently announced that they intend to build an MIS too. There’s lots of potential for growth and a very high likelihood that we’ll see more churn.



What’s next for Support Teams

The role and nature of school support teams continue to evolve. As an LA team, only offering support for one MIS option feels more and more precarious as the level of churn amongst schools, academies and trusts increases each year. However, by and large, MATs, schools and academies often still want to buy into local support – they still want to work with the colleagues with which they’ve built such great relationships.  As a result, the number of support teams forming partnerships with MIS providers other than SIMS has increased drastically, and many now offer multi-MIS support. The progressive teams understand that the priority is helping their schools achieve their goals, and it’s something they plan to continue to do in the future – irrespective of the systems they use. They “support the process, not the product”.


Our predictions: unfortunately, those LA teams that only offer SIMS support to their schools are going to find it harder and harder in the future. LAs no longer hold a SIMS licence in perpetuity as was once the case as ESS mandates that all schools licence with them directly so LAs are no longer a route to a preferential SIMS licence deal. ESS is offering its own support contracts directly to SIMS schools at a favourable price so these teams may find that some of their schools won’t buy into their MIS SLAs at all. In addition, we’ve heard anecdotally that ESS plans to discontinue the annual entitlement rebate that has traditionally been available to LA teams in return for them supporting SIMS. For many, it may mean there is no longer a viable business.

(N.B. we have a new #FinnemoreFireside coming up with Catherine Tallis, Director Of Business Services at Herts for Learning Ltd where we discuss the challenges above – watch this space)



An increased focus on procurements

As indicated by the amount of churn, it’s clear there are likely to be more procurements underway than ever. Depending on the size of the school or trust, this can be a complex process involving stakeholders from across all areas of operations, teaching and leadership.  At any one time, an MIS supplier will also be responding to multiple tenders so we’d definitely encourage the use of a framework such as  G-cloud or Everything ICT. It helps the process run smoothly and helps guard against any legal challenges.


Our predictions: We anticipate school and MAT requirements becoming more high-level and strategic as it becomes clear what brand-new cloud-based MIS can help them achieve. While lots of requirements have tended to focus on functionality in the past (e.g. can you take a register, can you submit the census) these are things that all MIS can do. A decision which is made purely on basics and price rarely gets schools and Trusts what they need.


We’re starting to see Trusts ask more of MIS suppliers in terms of how they will help them meet their own overall strategy. For example:


  • How will the MIS help them meet Carbon net zero targets by 2030?
  • How will the MIS provide the insight on students we need to successfully run a national academy chain?
  • How does the MIS help us allocate budget to staff resources accordingly based on effective pedagogy?


Being a straight admin/office tool is not enough anymore, Trusts are looking for software partners with long-term benefits.




The desire for cloud solutions continues

There has always been a strong case for a school to move all its systems to the cloud, and this was brought into sharp focus by the pandemic.  Anytime, anywhere access became absolutely crucial as school staff were unable to gain physical access to buildings. Even when they could, many students were still attending school remotely so there had to be solutions in place to cope with remote learning – it caught a lot of people out and accelerated cloud strategy.


The argument around TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is now more important than ever as, once again, schools find their budgets being shrunk so any way to save money has to be considered. Cloud solutions mean that schools don’t need to buy or house a server so there are all the associated power and air-con cost savings that go with it.


Carbon targets and a successful net zero strategy are also becoming a higher priority for schools as we head towards 2030, they want to waste as little energy as possible and the cloud helps them get there.


Our predictions: schools will of course want to move to the cloud where possible and all the MIS suppliers understand this. The fast-growing suppliers are cloud-based as you would expect, and ESS has a cloud strategy with its Next Gen solution planned for the future.


For schools and Trusts who find themselves with a client-based MIS for the foreseeable future, there are other options out there to help your cloud strategy. For example, suppliers can sometimes help with this directly, and school support teams such as Scomis offer SIMS hosting so you no longer need to buy and maintain servers.





Partnerships, mergers and acquisitions

There has been so much acquisition activity around MIS in recent years and this continued in 2022 with RM announcing the sale of the division that includes the Integris MIS to The Key Group. When the deal goes through, The Key will have around a 33% MIS market share in the English-maintained sector (across Arbor, Scholarpack and Integris) which makes them a huge player, second only to ESS SIMS which currently has around 56%.

Suppliers of MIS-adjacent solutions have also continued to form fruitful partnerships as it becomes clear that there’s not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for schools and Trusts, and flexibility is everything.


Our predictions: We’re seeing increased merger, acquisition and partnership activity amongst support teams too. For example, it was recently announced that School ICT Services Ltd had been acquired by Oxfordshire-based provider of education ICT services, Turn IT On.


We’re also seeing more and more LA support teams working in partnership with each other in order to pool expertise and deliver valuable services to their schools. For the reasons outlined earlier in the blog, we see this sector in particular as one to watch as the nature of SIMS support teams changes.




So, all in all, an eventful year in the sector and we can see more change coming in the future. While it feels like a lot of battles are currently being fought around contracts and agreements, we’d really like to see what’s coming next in terms of innovation.  Who’s out there redefining the role MIS will play in schools in the face of changing requirements?



We’d love to hear what’s next and look forward to working with suppliers, schools, Trusts and support colleagues throughout 2023.

CMA to investigate ESS’s move to three-year contracts for schools

Interesting to learn today that the CMA has now confirmed they are investigating ESS SIMS on the issue surrounding 3-year contracts.

As schools will be aware, they were required to sign a new 3-year contract directly with ESS by the end of last month if they want to keep using SIMS. What ESS has also said is that there is a 6-month break clause, so if schools do want to move to another supplier then they are free to do so, they just need to let ESS know before the end of September 2022 to leave the contract.

The big question is: is this long enough to conduct the necessary market testing exercise, and go through a satisfactory procurement process, in order to decide if staying with SIMS for the next 3-years is the right thing for your school?

Many schools have told the CMA that it isn’t long enough which has prompted the formal investigation to allow them to consider this matter properly.

Realistically, when a school has used a solution for several years, it does take time to properly assess the alternatives out there. There’s so much more to it than simply ‘getting quotes’ from providers. It involves taking a fresh look at how everyone utilises their MIS:

– What we would like an MIS system to achieve?
– What are our top priorities as a school?
– Is there a way of improving how we do things?
– How have solutions innovated and improved since we last looked at the market?

It was around last Autumn when schools were made aware of the new contract arrangements. The question around the procurement process is a tricky one. Physically making the purchase can be done quickly (there are frameworks, etc. out there) but undertaking a proper market testing exercise involving all the stakeholders in school is a LOT harder.


Any procurement process needs to be rigorous, and any decision justifiable as it can be challenged. And, should the school choose to switch MIS, adequate time needs to be available for a successful implementation.


It doesn’t help that, if a school has used one system for a long time (which tends to be the case for LA schools) they’re really starting from scratch. A lot of innovation has happened in the last 10 years alone; there’s no way of understanding what’s out there until you’ve had the chance to really dig into the possibilities. Creating requirements for an MIS can be equally challenging; just because something’s “always been done that way” doesn’t mean they want to continue with that process.


And then there is the implementation to consider. This is an area MIS suppliers have invested in like crazy so it’s possible to get a school up and running on their system really quickly. But there does need to be a plan for how the changeover will be managed. These are systems that are not just used by one or two people in school, they are used by operational staff, teachers, SLT and parents.


It’s also very difficult for schools to be able to look at things on a truly like-for-like basis as so much has changed. For example, it’s pretty usual for a SIMS school to have bought into the core MIS (inc. support from their LA team) and then, over the years, purchase additional modules to meet different needs (e.g. to manage dinner money, or offer an online payment solution, or a texting solution, or an app for parents/students, etc.). The more modern MIS solutions don’t usually require all these extra modules or products to be purchased at all, they tend to be part of the core MIS as standard and the whole thing is cloud-based so it’s a seamless, complete solution.  But this means it can leave schools with an even more complex procurement ahead when they realise there are far more factors at play  – and better potential savings to be made.


(What’s also interesting is that, as part of its investigation, the CMA has said they will also consider the pricing of some ESS product packages – specifically, it will look at how SIMS is being sold alongside FMS – check out our separate post on this thorny issue.)


What do you think? How long should a school allocate to procuring their school management system?

If you’ve gone through a procurement process, what’s your advice?

School finance solutions: what are the options for schools using SIMS FMS?

What options are open to schools when it comes to financial management solutions?

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is investigating whether ESS SIMS is abusing a dominant position to push schools into accepting a new 3-year contract.  What’s interesting here is that, as part of its investigation, the CMA has said they will also consider the pricing of some ESS product packages – specifically, it will look at how SIMS is being sold alongside FMS.


The press release from the CMA says:

“As part of its investigation, the CMA will also consider the pricing of some ESS product packages – specifically, it will look at how ESS’s management information system product is being sold alongside its financial management software. This could encourage customers to buy both products and deter customers moving away from ESS.

The CMA is concerned that, by adopting such a pricing strategy, market players that only offer one of these services may be unable to compete, potentially leading to an uncompetitive market in future.”

How ARE schools handling what they do in terms of a finance package when they switch to a new MIS?

Product functionality and data extraction aside, one of the biggest challenges schools always used to face around FMS was how costly it was to buy it directly from ESS (then Capita) if you want to buy it as a standalone product. e.g. not bundled with the MIS via an LA-wide deal.

For many, the new total annual cost of an MIS + finance solution would simply be driven too high to justify the change so they stayed with their existing systems.

But as schools choose to move to new MIS solutions, what are they choosing as their finance system?

Is signing into a multi-year contract for your MIS a good thing?

Is signing into a multi-year contract for your MIS a good thing?

If it’s something you’ve actively chosen to do as a school, academy or trust then, yes, it’s a great idea. It means you’ve had the chance to look at the options out there, and you’ve asked your suppliers for three-, four- or five-year pricing to guarantee a bit of budget certainty for the future.

If a multi-year contract is something you’ve had sprung on you in the small print – leaving you a very short window to either agree or cancel – well, it’s unlikely to be very popular. No one appreciates feeling like they’re being backed into a corner ☹

An unforeseen change in contract terms like this poses all sorts of questions for everyone involved in MIS:

❓ How does this affect the relationships schools have with the local support teams out there whom they’ve worked with and accessed their MIS licence through for years? It leaves Support Teams having to manage a difficult message from the MIS provider.

❓ How does this affect how Support Teams work with suppliers? More and more Support Teams have moved to be a multi-MIS support team, choosing to support their schools irrespective of the systems they use as opposed to only offering one option. All of the ‘big 5’ MIS have established Support Partner programmes (some useful links are below), as well as many of the newer entrants to the sector.

❓ How does this affect everyone (both schools and LAs) in terms of meeting procurement rules? Does everyone now need to get quotes and go through a tender process to even just stay with the MIS they already use?

❓ As academisation continues, what happens when a Local Authority maintained school is tied into a multi-year contract that converts to an academy?

Lots to think about which will hopefully become clearer soon.


If you’re a school, academy or trust and you’re affected by this and are wondering what to do, I’ve seen lots of posts on this already but it seems like the best advice is:

  • Remember, YOU are the customer, so don’t be afraid of looking at alternatives and moving as it can all happen a lot quicker and easier than you think. Everyone is well-versed in migrating data from your system and it’s possible to be up and running very quickly.


  • If there’s too much time pressure to look into things right now, don’t feel you have to lock in for a further three years, but do definitely contact your supplier to negotiate an alternative term length. They may be open to shorter contracts in the face of schools cancelling altogether, and this will give you time to plan for 2022.


  • Talk to people! Get in touch with your local MIS support team if you use one, or with any of the MIS companies directly. They are all friendly and knowledgeable and will walk you through everything you need to know (or send a message to me or Nick as we’re more than happy to introduce you).


‘Big 5’ Support Partner programme links:

RM Integris https://www.rm.com/products/rm-integris/partner

Bromcom https://www.bromcom.com/LA-partners

Arbor https://arbor-education.com/become-a-partner/

Scholarpack https://scholarpack.com/who-we-help/support-partners/

ESS SIMS https://www.ess-sims.co.uk/products-and-services/sims-support-units